Alpilles lamb, floral petals tapenade and provencal ratatouille

list In: Recipes

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Cooking time
: 6 minutes


• 6 lamb chops Alpilles,
• 1 Provencal ratatouille pot,
• 1 black tapenade petals package,
• 1 pinch of thyme,
• 1 pinch of Espelette pepper (optional).

: 2 fresh rosemary sprigs.

: grill the chops on the barbecue or in a grill, they must remain "rosy". Meanwhile, heat in a pan ratatouille ready to use by adding if you like a pinch of Espelette pepper. Arrange on a plate and crumble some black tapenade petals on your meat and prick in the ratatouille decoration.

: easy recipe, quick and tasty. For the sweet tooth, you can add semi-full organic rice from Camargue as accompaniment.

Our products
: Provencal ratatouille, black tapenade petals, Espelette pepper, organic Camargue rice.

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