Strawberry madness

list In: Recipes

Servings: 4 people

Preparation time: 6 minutes

Cooking: 0 min


• 3 Carpentras strawberries 250g trays or Garriguettes,
• 4 tbsp olive oil variety Grossane,
• 4 tsp caster sugar
• 4 fresh basil leaves,
• 4 fresh mint leaves.

Preparation: wash the strawberries without remove stems, put them on a paper towel sheet. Once washed, mix them with the sugar in a bowl and refrigerate.
Meanwhile, chop the mint leaves and basil, put them into a waiting bowl.
Put the strawberries in beautiful transparent ice bowls, drizzle with a little olive oil (variety Grossane : sweet and fruity) and sprinkle with mint chips and basil on top.

Tip: olive oil in general is a natural taste enhancer. Mixing with strawberries is very surprising and amazing for aromatic level. The taste of strawberry is sublimated. In addition, olive oil gives a beautiful shine to the fruit.

Our products: olive oil variety Grossane.

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