Lou Crespeou: ham-shepherd provencal omelet

list In: Recipes

Servings: 4 people

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 7 minutes


• 8 organic eggs or egg farm,
• 1 tbsp tomato Supreme,
• 1 tsp Provençal pistou,
• 1 tbsp black olive paste,
• 1 tbsp green pesto tapenade,
• 4 half candied tomatoes (optional),
• olive oils Aglandau and Assembling,
• salt / pepper.

Preparation: in 4 small bowls, whisk 2 eggs independently. Stir in each preparation (tomato Supreme, Provencal pesto, black olive paste, green tapenade with pesto). The mixture should be homogeneous, salt and pepper.
Heat a medium skillet that will serve for four mixtures of omelets. Once your pan is hot, brush it with olive oil teaspoon of Calanquet, variety Assembling. Throw your beaten eggs and cook 4 minutes without turning. Once the omelet cooked seems rather slobbery (easier for dressage), put aside and repeat for the other three remaining preparations.
It remains only to cut four triangles of each colored omelet and climbing in stages (see photo). Serve dish or as an appetizer accompanied by a salad of Arugula and Mesclun and its olive oil variety Aglandau.

Plus: you can insert slices of tomato confit between each floor fluffy omelets. Your dish will be even more greedy.

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